Tuna and Bell pepper Salad

Posted by on Jul 30, 2013 in

Tuna and Bell pepper Salad

Prep time 5 minutes
Cook time 15 minutes
Total time 20 minutes
Meal type Appetizer, Salad, Side Dish
Chef Duminda Chef Duminda


  • 1 Medium Red Bell Pepper (.)
  • 1 Medium Green Bell Pepper (.)
  • 1 Small Cucumber (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Lymol (.)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon Chili Paste (Chili and vinegar blended together.)
  • Small bunch Green and Red lettuce (.)
  • pinch Salt (.)
  • pinch Pepper (.)
  • 100g Tuna fish (boiled and flaked.)
  • 4 Medium Green beans (.)
  • 1/2 Medium B Onion (.)


Step 1
Boiled the tuna fish and flake it. Allow to cool.
Step 2
Cut the beans and all other vegetables in to dices .
Step 3
Take a bowl, add all the lettuce and vegetables in to it and mix well.
Step 4
Add pepper , beans and fish to the same bowl and mix again.
Step 5
Add the chili paste and salt and mix.
Step 6
Finally add LYMOL in to the salad and flavor it as required .


Use the original Lymol for best results and flavour!.