Spicy Chicken thick Curry with Kankung

Posted by on Sep 13, 2013 in

Spicy Chicken thick Curry with Kankung

Prep time 10 minutes
Cook time 10 minutes
Total time 20 minutes
Chef Duminda Chef Duminda
Sri Lankan style Chicken with Kankung dish. An easy, healthy preparation to suite the Sri Lankan pallet; a new creation of Chef Duminda.


  • 200g Chicken (cut into pieces.)
  • 100g Kangkung (.)
  • 20g Ginger (.)
  • 20g Garlic (.)
  • 2 Onions (.)
  • 3 teaspoons Lymol (.)
  • 2-3 Green Chilies (sliced.)
  • 2-3 Tomatoes (.)
  • Cloves (.)
  • Cardamom (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Roasted Curry Powder (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Chili Powder (.)
  • 1 teaspoon Turmeric (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Crushed Black Pepper (.)
  • 100ml Water (.)
  • Salt (.)


Step 1
Pound garlic, ginger, cloves, cardamom together and keep a side.
Step 2
Mean while marinate the chicken with turmeric, salt, pepper and LYMOL.
Step 3
Mix the chicken with the ginger garlic paste.
Step 4
Heat a pan, add oil, curry leaves, green chilies, and onion, sauté for minute or two.
Step 5
Add the marinated chicken, roasted curry powder and chili powder.
Step 6
Add the water, let it cook for 10 minutes.
Step 7
Add Kankung leaves just before switching off the fire .
Step 8
Add the chopped coriander on top, garnish with tomatoes just before serving.

