Banana Flower & Spinach Cutlet

Posted by on Sep 23, 2013 in

Banana Flower & Spinach Cutlet

Prep time 20 minutes
Cook time 10 minutes
Total time 30 minutes
Allergy Fish
Meal type Side Dish, Snack
Chef Duminda Chef Duminda


  • 100g Tuna Flakes (Boiled.)
  • 50g Banana Flower (Thinly sliced.)
  • 25g Spinach (.)
  • 1 Onion (Chopped.)
  • 2 teaspoons Ginger & Garlic (Chopped.)
  • 1 Large Potato (Mashed.)
  • 1 Green Chili (Chopped.)
  • handful Curry Leaves (.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Chili Pieces (.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Turmeric Powder (.)
  • 1/2 teaspoon Paper Powder (.)
  • Salt (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Lymol (.)
  • 1 egg (.)
  • Bread Crumbs (.)
  • 200ml Oil (.)


Step 1
Heat little oil and sauté the onions, garlic, green chilies and curry leaves .
Step 2
Add the thinly sliced banana flower and sauté for few minutes.
Step 3
Now add the boiled fish and the mashed potatoes and sauté in slow fire.
Step 4
Add the turmeric, chili flakes & paper; combine the mixture well.
Step 5
Now mix in the spinach .
Step 6
Remove the mixture from the fire; add Lymol and allow it to cool.
Step 7
Form the paste in to cutlet balls or any other shape you prefer .
Step 8
Dip the cutlet in egg and cote with bread crumbs.
Step 9
Now deep fry the cutlet until golden brown.
Step 10
Serve hot with rice and curry or as a snack.

