Tempered Cuttlefish with Beetroot Leaves

Posted by on Sep 13, 2013 in

Tempered Cuttlefish with Beetroot Leaves


  • 200g Cuttlefish (.)
  • 50g Beetroot Leaves (.)
  • 1 teaspoon Oil (.)
  • 2 Onions (Sliced.)
  • 1 clove Garlic (Sliced.)
  • l Ginger (.)
  • 2 teaspoons Lymol (.)
  • Curry Leaves (.)
  • 2 Green Chilies (Sliced.)
  • 2 teaspoons Chili Pieces (.)
  • 1 teaspoon Tumaric Powder (.)
  • Salt (.)
  • Papper (.)
  • Water (.)


Step 1
Heat the pan, add the oil and sauté the curry leaves, ginger, garlic and onion rings for 2 minutes.
Step 2
Add the cuttlefish, turmeric, black pepper and chili and mix it together.
Step 3
Then add the beetroot leaves in to the cuttle fish mixture, allow to cook.
Step 4
Add few drops of water, just to give moisture to the dish .
Step 5
Switch off the fire, add Lymol and serve with red rice.

